Friday, May 11, 2007


today,paula became a very bad person.
she hurt someone alot but the pain was inevitable.
tears have come and gone like that but it will never take away all the heartache she is feeling.


thanks sH for listening to me during work just now.
it really cleared my mind about alot of stuff.


please keep all the happy memories while i keep the tears.
i'm sorry it had to be this way.
if time could turn back,i wished it never happened.
that way,at least you'll escape unscathed.
i really didn't wish for it to happen and i sincerely hope we'll still remain as friends.
but i think that's hardly possible on account you're totally avoiding me now.
all i just want you to know is that i cherish you as a friend.
and if this is how it ends,then i'll just let it be.
from the bottom of my heart,i'm really sorry.


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