Monday, February 19, 2007

Long long update....

haha okok,my apologies for not blogging for so long...
well it's been ages since i've updated (last entry not counted cos that was impromptu..)
shall start off from where i last left off?
ok yeah,jump to the previous saturday k..
went for mentoring sub comm meeting at a qt ungodly hr..
sp was having the jae exercise then like i got mistaken for an o level student..
omg that was like DAMN bad..
went innova funfair with marce and his frens...
then stayed there for like less than an hr after talking to some old sec sch frens and other frens la...
went to j8 for show's signing. omg capitaland is so f-ing f-ed up la!
shall not even attempt to recall wat happened.
just that everyone was darn frustrated and wat not la..
on the other hand,i finally got my sinhuey autographed album from sembawang j8 (:
yeah then fast forward to monday?
started work at tg pagar office..
all i can say is,studying is seriously way better than working.
sure,there's no cash to earn. but imagine getting neck cramps for the rest of ur life while facing a com for 8 hrs straight :/
no joke,work sux,big time.
by the end of 4 hrs maisie and i were half dead.
i went home and knocked out immediately la..
so for the next 2 days was working with maisie,kaiyun,shiyun and zhijie.
by wed i was like a walking zombie from the lack of sleep and wat not.
and i was like whining to maisie that i wish the hols past faster in the office! haha.
anw i ponned work on wed (:
it was really a last min thing cos i only decided like 15 mins b4 i went to bed on tue.
cos marce was gg back taiwan on thursday and i really haven't been spending time with him cos he keeps gg out with his frens and i was working?
plus it's horrible not to have him in singapore for close to 2 mths.
i almost died the last time he went back la and that was only approx 1 mth only?
gahhhhhhhhhhhhh. but nvm la,at least he's home with his family (:
ok so i digress. vday woke up damn early to fake that i had food poisoning then went to his place to wait for his royal highness my bf to wake up.
haha,that pig i mean :P
then like went parkway to makan after that and take my flowers! :D

nice nice? ^^
erm then went to meet nick and eunice at tampines mall...
watched ghost rider and then we left to go suntec for our 5 course swensen's dinner! :D
the dinner qt cool la..
us at swensen's (:
nice drink. strawberry soda.. and that candle was totally...
salad bowl!! this is the starters. and i dun eat salad. so u noe whose stomach it ended up in.. haha..
main course was the baked rice (L) then the middle one was the seafood platter.
YUMMY! :D i grew fat that day.
dessert was ice cream cake. fattening!! argh. lolx.
that dinner was so sinful then marce kept nagging at me to finish everything cos the dinner was ex. lolx. cheapo! :P
went to watch once in a summer after that then he sent me home.
the movies we watched that day were... pathetic.
so totally not nice but i'm contented to spend time with him (:
then i started emo-ing after i got home.
haha,u wun understand till u have a bf/gf la. so,dun comment.
LOL! nevertheless,the next day i was like qt stone la.
after work went to watch seducing mr perfect with sH and her aunt.
nice movie!! ^^ go watch if u like american accented hot guys *coughkikucough* cos even tho it's a korean movie,u'll understand like 3/4 of it cos the male lead carn speak korean and only english.
hahahaha XD
friday supposed to makan makan with the BBQ comm from mentoring.
in the end cancelled. then that junda very cute leh.
he keep calling my phone asking for pl. LOL!
went to buy ingredients for the truffles.
came home to make like 2 batches of it? wth la. i almost died.
then like my evil mother dragged me out of bed at 7.30am the next day to finish them so she can bring to the grandmother.
like wth la. i was like &#*()@!&_!)&)*($^&)*!^&)^#!*(#&(* half the time la.
slacked at home with the bro then go grandma hse for reunion dinner.
erh this yr cny qt sucky la.
cannot celebrate=no angbao $$
so i purposely went to my mum's side to wait for ppl to come and bai nian and give me angbao.
mwahahha ~ so evil. but who cares la.
lolx jk la. then went to work at cine.
that justyn is soooooooo san ba!!!
haha,we gossip until forget to close counter lor. lolx.
then today go granduncle hse to makan makan and get more angbao.
hahaha XD went to work with sH.
so dumb la. we play game at the counter until we started shouting "bird bird" "niao come here" and "fish fish. more fish!" that kind la.
so funny la lolx. then i very stressed when got ppl sign up.
cos kenny kept looking then i was like "oh shit how sia. i forgot wat justyn i suppose to rmb everything within less than 6 hrs from ytd?"
yeah but nevertheless,hopefully i'm getting the hang of it la.
at least tmr not working. tmr is family day (:
gahhhhhhhhh my neck is stiff la.
justyn if u're reading this,it's all ur fault.
next time dun grow so tall la.
either that or donate abit to sH and me pls. lolx.
anw,i just wanna say I MISS YOU MARCE :(
come back soon pls.
and blogger is pissing me off.
i wish i din switch to the new one.
firstly,my new entries only appear the next day.
secondly,my pics appear in an extremely weird manner despite me rearranging them.
gahhhhhhh. tskkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk.

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