haix,means that i've been thru a rough week mans.
another hell week in my hectic life once more.
haha but i shall just summarise it up la huh ^^
yeah last monday went for SB Talentime finals to support Afiq,Janna,Allen and Astley who were all singing that night.
saw many great singers that day sia,esp Winnie~ haha new idol ^^

Afiq during the english solo

Janna!! ^^

Allen the gayboy lolx.

Allen and Kaiyin during Chinese duet. They sang "Fu Huo" and I didn't know it was by Lin Yu Zhong and Jin Sha until today >.<

Astley and Afiq! Wohoo~ They sang one of my fav song "Ji De Ai".
anw congrats to Janna for winning 1st for English Solo! :D
you did great babe~ "umbrella" *boom*
lolx stupid sia astley.
of cos Allen won 2nd for Chinese Solo and 1st for Chinese duet.
Then Afiq and Astley won 2nd for Chinese duet!
I think that 2nd place prize better sia. $40 NUM voucher~

The winners with their prizes and trophies. Check out the new age uncle Chung Chiu Wo lolx.
haha so anw that week rite totally died-ed cos wed had nano test,thur got 2 gmould ICAs,fri got s&pm test.
totally goner~ haix T.T
weekend burnt oso cos fri and sun working.
but saturday we went steamboat! ^^
after kidsread ervin,allen,astley,amelia,weiping,binghui,meryl and i went to the suntec donut factory to queue! miraculously,we waited for 30 mins only :D
and i bought like 7 boxes for myself and the e2max staff.
thanks guys for helping me carry all those boxes of donuts.
haha cldn't have done it w/o u guys (:
after that we go town to pass donuts,walk ard b4 gg marina bay to meet the guys + zm and cedrick for the steamboat.
too many pics to post up la,i lazy. lolx.
so shall upload them into imagestation when i have the time la.
darn darn packed now T.T but we had fun that day at steamboat!
that day amelia told me to go view this video.
thought i'd share it with you guys la. i cried like siao for it lor.
yeah,imagine emoing alone in the middle of the night and i was watching this video,the dams just burst la.
love the song too cos i always have a penchance for korean songs haha
someone send me this song if you have. thanks (:
yeah this week study week. not much better from usual weeks la.
last day at e2max on thursday! thot i'd have a gd rest or smth but no,there's s&pm requiz on fri.
so there you have it my whole week goes pretty much like this: work,study,tuition,sleep abit,eat blah blah blah.
haix,no life sia.
wanted to go watch movies on fri de as a treat for being work-free but cannot,got test.
darn man. oh wells,life's like that.
on the bright side,marce is out of camp till august 10th ^^
i'm a happy girl for now but he fell sick :(
sadded sia T.T love love,must take care of yourself ait.
so many things to do,so little time.
i want to go ikea to get some furniture to furnish the hse cos ever since i moved in,it's still the same way as it was in april: cluttered and messy.
but no time!! -pulls hair.
exams are coming soon too. gahhhhhhh.
kill me pls,seriously.
haix,oh wells,shall go sleep.
abit moodless to blog now.
ciao ppl.
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