i just woke up from a nap.
cldn't tahan the utter lack of sleep i had the night before.
imagine sleeping 3 hrs and waking up to do my cover letter and have it be subjected to scrutiny and what not by people.
oh and did i mention the spec 2 prof is pissing me off?
he's just worse than john yip imho pls.
ok here's the story.
said prof's lecture after the cny break was at 8am on the monday school started.
so anyhow everyone went to sch.
even juyin turned up lol.
8.05am came and passed but still no sign of prof.
minutes passed and it was 8.20am.
by then it was more or less confirm that prof was not turning up la.
BUT there was no announcement whatsoever from IVLE/email (i checked,i know!).
so somehow the LT was still filled with people and everyone's eyes were on the entrances la.
you can see how stunned people where when they entered and found like a gazillion pairs of eyes looking at you cos we all thought he/she was the prof.
then 8.30am came and still no prof so everyone started vacating the LT.
and that's the story of how our prof ponned our lecture.
like seriously la. the last time it happened was in poly and it was priya who ponned our lecture too but she's insignificant so pffft to her.
but a associate professor who doesn't even explain for his disappearance la!
i mean not as if i cared whether he was alive or not but it was the fact that he made all of us trudge to school so god damn early after the long weekend for NOTHING!
poor kee kee and fatty had to wait from 8 plus till 4pm for their next lecture.
i had anat tutorial and ES tutorial so not that bad la.
yeah then my story haven't finish!
today while checking IVLE for my cover letter nonsense i decided to see if said prof had uploaded his notes.
yes he did,and it was at 1.26am did he do so -.-"
so he said that the reason he cldn't turn up on monday was cos he had no voice.
erh,no voice doesn't equate not having limbs to send an IVLE sms/email out right?
so why cldn't he just do that!? seriously very TMD lor. FML pls to get such a prof.
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