Monday, April 30, 2012


it's the middle of the night now. 1.48 am to be exact.
just came home from a day of shopping with bf and mum.
quite satisfying actually even though i felt bad spending my mum's $$ :x
i mean who gets guilty over such things? does that mean i have to be guilty for the rest of my life given the amount of $ she has paid for me over the past 23 years? that'd be FUBAR seriously.
anw am in a very pensive mood now, hiding outside in my living room instead of being in my room in the presence of the bf because he made me quite sad just now.
sad not because he did something bad to me, but i'm just sick and tired of being his maid.
guess no one prepared me for this living together shit.
Disney and Pixar and what not should totally do a film that shows that guys are not as perfect as they are in the film.
even if they are jerks at the beginning, they always end up the same seriously. don't bluff already ok!
i'm honestly just... sick and tired of picking up his shit seriously.
when a person is born with a silver spoon in his mouth, do not expect him to do his own housework period.
i'm serious. everyday i come home it's either a pair of socks (or 5 maybe) lying somewhere around in my room, on my bed, on the floor, beside my computer table etc anywhere it shouldn't be and not in the laundry basket.
took out his dirty soccer clothes from my toilet just minutes ago because Master Marcelo doesn't bother to bring his clothes from the bathroom to put into the laundry basket 10 steps away. i mean he does, when he remembers that is. but that's kinda rare.
plus he doesn't switch off the light + heater from the toilet. it really irks me alot.
cos everytime i do that i get a earful from my dad. for some reason, he doesn't catch bf doing that.
and i'm always cleaning up his shit for him seriously.
i do the dishes after he eats, he wants water i get it for him.. hell i even picked up his shoes (FYI he brings out 3 pairs just to go soccer: 1 pair of slippers, 1 pair of soccer boots and 1 pair of normal shoes) and placed them onto the racks for him.
i have bloody OCD for god's sake. after 6 years of being together you do that know this?! i mean a little dirt here and there is fine but you do that leave a eaten box of hokkien mee beside my computer for 3 days without throwing it away seriously (yes, he did that -.-")
and he does all day is click his fkin HON game. it pissed me off a couple of instances alr.
guess the uni peeps would know cos i was complaining on whatsapp abt it.
just friday, when he promised me that he'd bring me go town to shop cos i wanted to go get the Hunger Games trilogy i was like preparing to go out at say.... 6.50pm.
so the great bf tells me, ok let's leave at 7.20 when you're done cos i was putting on make-up.
i'm all done by 7.05pm then i patiently wait as he finishes his game. and then i waited.
and waited. and waited even more. till 8 fucking pm.
we were supposed to watch Battleship at 9pm, tickets booked already and all with NO DINNER IN OUR EMPTY STOMACHS.
i guess since my hormones got the better of me what with me having my period i just got all pissed off.
thank goodness he had the decency to feel guilty about it. and not go all angsty at me. if he did it'd prob be a repeat of the previous argument.
so anyhow, i honestly think this whole gaming shit, not wanting to help around the house is really getting to me. 
how do you tell a guy who has a mum who prob did everything for him the moment he was born, had 3 maids at a point serving him since he was 7 years old until aged 22 to wake up his idea and just do the fucking housework? not do a Maria or Leticia Bongnino but just making life easier by taking the initiative of putting things where they ought to be.
socks do not wash on their own, cups and plates and cutlery do not magically turn clean and shiny overnight, clothes do not walk by themselves to the laundry basket (you think wat, Fantasia issit?) cos someone has to bloody do it.
it's not to say i'm selfish, i don't wanna do anything for him. but try doing it every day for 6 months. with no gratitude and what not. i'm just... tired really.
so how? if anyone who is reading this has any idea, please tell me.
the whole point of this entry is not to showcase how bad my bf is cos i love him to bits. but everyone has their own shitty sides (me included of cos) and it's just really getting to me.
i simply cannot put up with this shit no further. and the whole gaming shit has to tone down. i'm absolutely fucking serious!
alright enough ranting.
shall head to bed soon and begin my resume sending tomorrow.
somehow after my paper on wednesday i just had this phobia of opening jobsdb and what not.. cos i know that if i send out those emails, something's bound to occur. and prob change my life forever.
i'm just not ready >.<
so just something random to cheer myself up - Dream Team's convo on fb last week haha!

can't wait for Friday! i've lined up a whole bunch of activities before HK wohooooooooo!
god bless us for this trip and make me meet someone famous or some hot guy ask me out also can hahahahah! *daydreaming*
nevertheless, sg's weather is getting from warm to just plain melting temperature.
my AC is perpetually on. it's a bloody vicious cycle people. how to cut down on global warming liddat!? pffft.
kthxbye timetosleep.

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