am absolutely dead tired these past few days i can just drop dead now :(
graduation on wednesday!
totally tired on that day cos work has been such a drag lately and we have nothing to do there.
i just wish that they'd fire me la.
honestly,fire me pls,dun waste my time any longer there where i sit there and amuse myself by surfing starhub to help the perm staff determine her cable tv plan.
i need my sleep and my time back! T.T
so yeah,sums up why i was totally unprepared for graduation.
took a day off but mum dragged me up uber early to eat breakfast with her.
like so fked up la,cos my eyes were all puffy and all.
then i lazed ard (i don't even have time to laze ard!) for once then went to shower and headed to sch.
attempted to put make up but gave up on the eyeliner thingys.
they just baffle me totally. seriously!
anyhow,was a bad day cos period came :(
graduation was fun tho! saw alot of people i haven't met in ages :D
pictures all below,too lazy to caption them tho.
oh and my parents came too :D
qt happy actually cos 1st time dad came to sch (:
after graduation ended,night was dark and everyone went ard taking pictures.
have many more pics but too lazy to post them.
went to shokudo with polymer people + mr ho at city hall for dinner.
trev came along cos he was going to marce's hse after that to watch champions league final.
next day went to work like a zombie :(
tutee irritated the hell outta me on tuesday btw.
long story but in short: she's a major pain in the ass,that spoilt brat!
my other tutee on the other hand cancelled tuition for 2 weeks so it's a welcome respite cos i can actually have more sleep.
somehow la. tskkkkkkkk. her mum is wayyyyyy better than the other one.
many many things to do this june rarhs!
friday had to OT when everyone in CPF went home at 5pm.
dammnit pls,just friggin' irritated with work la.
i dun understand why they hire us when we have zilch to do there.
stayed over at marce's hse ytd cos i was too tired to go home after dinner.
woke up uber early to rush home to shower + eat breakfast and head off for driving.
met with my 1st ever major setback for driving.
i totally killed my confidence driving on the slope cos i kept stalling.
my feet today just didn't want to coordinate la fuck.
just fucking disappointed with myself today. haix.
i carn believe i stalled in the middle of the main road cos i cldn't realise the handbrake & move off.
my fucking car kept stalling la shit T.T
instructor screamed his head off after that but was nice enough to let me drive around only to regain my confidence.
end of lesson,confidence more or less regained but i still have a phobia of the slope.
i still think i need more lessons on that slope to overcome this shitass phobia of mine la.
but how,no time! RARHS.
TP's coming up in more than a mth's time.
it's like i'm running against time instead of with it la shit.
mum's off to indo tmr again,so that means i have to settle alot of things on my own like washing clothes + ironing them + housework.
I ABHOR HOUSEWORK! oh and i hate my tutee too.
went to visit karen today! :D
finally saw her lovely little cepheus so adorable.
made me so maternal la lol. babies are just so cute la :D
left for dinner at bedok blk 85 with bf,trev,nigel and sirong then i came home.
absolutely conked out.
i cannot believe i typed out so many things liao.
shall head to bed now.
nites,peace out.
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