haha,i bet everyone in SP is prob rejoicing like mad la.
well,had a fab post exam activity la (:
after POPRI went to catch brave story with the mother and get alot of things that i've been putting off due to exams done.
i finally went to borrow new books cos i was like bored stiff with nth to read la.
hmmmm tuition after that then was like dead dead tired le.
went home and peng immediately liao LOL.
sheer exhaustion from the lack of sleep during exam period.
fri went kbox with allen,janna and afiq!
astley and zm pangseh! -.-"
but we all kena conned by MS kbox la. grrrr.
next time we are so gg to the ulu ones so our $ is worth the time man.
went home after that oso peng liao cos darn darn tired!
i dunno why but no matter how much i sleep,i still feel the lethargy after i wake up.
this is sooooooo weird :/
sat was great :D
went kidsread in the morning.
i got stranded with utterly no breakfast at 10.30am cos eelin cldn't wake up despite my calls to her hse and hp.
not sure how many,maybe check with her later >.<
so in the end i went to eat alone lest my stomach growl like mad during mentoring session and it's like so paiseh cos mostly yr 1s le.
left early to go makan with mum and bro at sakae!
hahaha it's the bro's bday today and since mum is gg msia today,so early celebration lor.
this is so cool. my bro's bday and i get all the good food (:
later gg for some italian fare at serangoon gardens with the dad and bro.
it was the one we ate the other time. damn nice but damn ex!
ok,so i digress la.
after lunch go meet the rest for evan almighty,sorta like a mini outing to celebrate ervin's belated bday.
dinner at spize after that.
so hilarious cos they sat us in front of a clinic,all 13 of us lolx.
everyone was like zi-high non-stop la.
"vodka godzilla","tiger dinosaur" and what not just came out la.
so crap pls lolx.
sorry panda for the han suan bday cake >.<
hope u had a great time ytd even tho u emo thruout.
yeah after that left me,amelia,qinjie,astley,allen and zhuming.
we went to "drink" at clarke quay.
end up all budget so we went starbucks instead lolx.
but qinjie and i sneaked in tiger while amelia had barcadi.
i was like seh after like half a can nia.
gosh i'm like such a lousy drinker :/
was like falling asleep alr while they continue to crap can lolx.
in the end cabbed home with amelia,showered and peng once more into my comfy bed.
LOL oh wells,5 more days ppl!
i'm getting all hyped up :D
yahhh~~ danson on 2nd!! (:
hope to see bbt/hshmm,rainie,show and mostly imptly,FAHRENHEIT!!
ok,cya ppl.
gotta shower.
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