went for SDP ytd at Kovan (wth wth wth) at an ungodly hour of 9am.
haha learnt how to make sushi rolls and it was fab! :D
lovey~ u come back i make for you okok? ^^
eelin and i were half stoning there cos we were both damn sleepy.
and that woman is psycho pls.
her backbone got prob dun see doc until that day.
haix. take care of yourself la woman.
so... ta-dah!
my masterpieces :D :D
haha i only noe how to make this size de. lolx -.-"
all the stuff to make a sushi roll.
like $@&)(* &_#)*())^&!@^@(&*^)&*! so ex :(
but nevertheless,the place was great and the teacher was so much better than ahem ahem la.
at least the food we did turned out edible and nice.
i almost wanted to puke cos of the vinegar smell la. so did eelin.
went to grandma hse to sleep then went for BBQ comm meeting.
so pathetic!! 6 ppl only X(
then slept darn late ytd so today i was very stoned.
i'm gonna voice out here how i extremely dislike my current workplace.
firstly,the place is a god-damn office for god's sake! not some cybercafe la.
to whom i'll never know but the fact that our in charge msns and checks out furniture online,outlook express and friendster is so not gonna make me work hard.
so we all started slacking by going on msn today.
yes and that woman makes us go to lunch in groups la.
when there's only 2 of us rite,she makes us go one by one.
like wtf rite? seriously,who in the right state of mind,at the age of 18-19 will go for lunch alone!?
it's friggin' pathetic. and even that witch goes in groups la.
and when we call everyone alr and say no more alr,she's like call again those not in one.
like wth?! not in = no answer = wasting my life.
i ended up sending emails and msn-ing online from 3pm onwards.
fuck la. i hate that wretched place.
or rather,i hate that wretched woman.
*cracks knuckles* am so gonna quit pls.
f-ing stressed,f-ing tiring that i carn sleep well and have constant headaches and neckaches.
so what if the pay is gd? i'm extremely unhappy there.
thank god we're ending next wed.
i never,ever want to return there again.
becos if i do,i will die i tell you.
i'm like experiencing sheer exhaustion daily,no mood to even eat hence gastric pains plus she treats us like bloody dirt la.
she's shit pls.
ugh,and tmr i have to work.
i'm so gonna crumble under this immense pressure sooner or later.
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