i've been doing nth recently except NUA NUA NUA
but it's the life man.
last holiday ever in my life. after that,workforce.
and recession next yr.
thanks arh,somehow shit always happens whenever i attempt to graduate.
back in 2009, it was a recession that forced me to choose a local school over going overseas because i didn't want to burden my dad's finances.
what will the 2012 one bring hmmmm....
anyhow,i've been a busy girl!
i have 4 tutees now.
yupp, am that broke LOL.
ok i'll share a secret here just to whoever reads my blog.
i like teaching. there,i've said it.
but i dislike having 39 kids all taller than me so FML teaching career is out LOL.
too bad being a tutor doesn't provide CPF.
if not - ideal job! :D
so last week i had a sudden urge to be healthy so i told bf to go swimming with me.
after that we went to hougang mall for dinner at Pizza Hut.
wtfbbq right? LOLOLOL but UOB had 30% off this pizza so it was a good deal!
i'm a singaporean, i won't let such a good deal go off liddat de ^^
next day i went JB with the girls :)
no pics cos i was lazy and i haven't been wanting to plug in my scanner to scan the polaroids in LOLOLOL.
so somehow for some damn reason, my leg started having this itchy patch.
then being used to such things cos i've been having sensitive skin since young,i just didn't think so much abt it till it started SWELLING and turning blue black fml.
and on thur when i met sinhui for kbox, it was mother painful to walk :(
decided to go see doc and wasted $107 -.-"
yes,it was that ex T.T
still eating my antibiotics now.
doctor was being damn funny.
me:"how come people get insect bites all the time and nth happens to them while mine turns like this!?"
doc:"cannot help it,it's your skin."
i gave him a >.< face after that LOL.
anyhow, bf and i went to ministry of steak for dinner after i rebonded my hair!
hehe love my straight hair altho the not being able to wash my hair for 2 days part very eeyer.
i spent like 5 hrs in the salon waiting for it hahaha!
it wasn't as fantastic as what i would have anticipated.
somehow,no one can win Super Junior in terms of concert la.
then again, i haven't been to a Big Show (Big Bang concert) so.... for nw SJ is no. 1!
as usual no HD pics cos couldn't bring my darling donghae into the concert :(
i hate shitty security la. anal asses.
so anyhow weekend was spent alone cos bf went batam LOLOLOL.
didn't go cos i had tuition plus i'm going indo the following weekend so cannot miss to many lessons.
actually i just need the $$ la LOLOLOL!
ytd we went for sakae sushi buffet at scape.
i will never ever step in there ever!
so angry abt it i refuse to blog abt wat happened hahahaha!
anyhow, tmr dream team outing :D and beatburger wohoo!
after that,medan for 5 days and when i come back - results.
anyway,shit always happens la so i shall just enjoy for now.
adios people :D :D :D
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Sunday, December 04, 2011
Tis the season to be jolly
hello everyone! it's already dec T.T
time has really passed huh~ 11 months gone like this and now we're once again going to ring in 2012 in a months time!
exams has ended T.T
as usual, i prob won't do well la. /surrenders to reality
i had a nightmare after the SS paper.
did many stupid things during the paper and misread alot of qns so i'm qt emo abt it.
i wish there was one subject where i can really excel in man.
muggers are proud of their 4.9 & above CAP.
me? nothing.
ask me before i entered uni and i'd say something different but that's how people grow up i suppose.
life ain't a bed of roses (i know that a long time ago!) but when life throws all these obstacles at me, i just cannot help but feel so jaded by it.
anw, enough abt me being emo! EXAMS ARE OVER WOHOOOOOO~
i've been slacking ever since the food&health paper cos IA paper was like 6 days away.
immediately after the f&h paper, bf & i went to MBS! :D
went for dinner at high society cafe.
cos i wanted to go sephora to reach my $240 to get that $40 voucher, so MBS we went.
peektures :D
Crab salad
Tomato soup
Bf's main
My scallop linguine
the entire meal set us back $99! !@&(#&!(&(!&@(@!&!(*@&@(*!&@(*@ right?
but nehmind, i was in quite a good mood after f&h paper cos finished my 1st negative marking paper :D (pls don't disappoint me profs!)
so i spent the next day going for tuition and shopping in town after that.
then friday was spent watching the new huan zhu ge ge.
it's so funny la! even tho it's an entirely new cast i was still quite addicted to it.
i finished the final season of it but didn't catch the 1st 2 seasons (too long liao).
it's 98 eps leh! i watch korean dramas alr fast forward like mad leh.
watch 98 eps i gan cui watch the last season one can liao.
anw the gist is there la LOL.
then anyhow fri night the rest went to ECP macs to eat the 1 for 1 nuggets deal.
speaking of which, i've kinda deserted tiny towers to play this new game :D
Snoopy's Street Fair
everyone with an iPhone go download and add me as a friend so you can send me stuff XD
anw recently SG got hallyu wave uh~
MAMA 2011 in SG WOHOO! but i had IA paper that day -.-"
nevertheless, pics from YG Family Concert 2011 (Taeyang's Twitter) :D
i want to watch this naooooooooo :D
My perv bff
Juyin <3
today i went to send my bro to pasir ris with dad after my tuition.
omg my bro put on 4kg in just 3 weeks in army leh T.T
all muscle!! LOL so anyway, went to white sands cos bro needed dinner.
soooooooooo manyyyyyyy of themmmmmmm! (ok u get my idea la hahahahh!)
but it was still great. had fun with my bro <3
he's going for field camp next week so 2 weeks later than bookout.
i'm gonna go do some measuring in my room.
wanna get a new shelf cos my notes have no space for storage.
1 semester in uni also not as much as 1 year in poly lor the notes -.-"
time has really passed huh~ 11 months gone like this and now we're once again going to ring in 2012 in a months time!
exams has ended T.T
as usual, i prob won't do well la. /surrenders to reality
i had a nightmare after the SS paper.
did many stupid things during the paper and misread alot of qns so i'm qt emo abt it.
i wish there was one subject where i can really excel in man.
muggers are proud of their 4.9 & above CAP.
me? nothing.
ask me before i entered uni and i'd say something different but that's how people grow up i suppose.
life ain't a bed of roses (i know that a long time ago!) but when life throws all these obstacles at me, i just cannot help but feel so jaded by it.
anw, enough abt me being emo! EXAMS ARE OVER WOHOOOOOO~
i've been slacking ever since the food&health paper cos IA paper was like 6 days away.
immediately after the f&h paper, bf & i went to MBS! :D
went for dinner at high society cafe.
cos i wanted to go sephora to reach my $240 to get that $40 voucher, so MBS we went.
peektures :D
the entire meal set us back $99! !@&(#&!(&(!&@(@!&!(*@&@(*!&@(*@ right?
but nehmind, i was in quite a good mood after f&h paper cos finished my 1st negative marking paper :D (pls don't disappoint me profs!)
so i spent the next day going for tuition and shopping in town after that.
then friday was spent watching the new huan zhu ge ge.
it's so funny la! even tho it's an entirely new cast i was still quite addicted to it.
i finished the final season of it but didn't catch the 1st 2 seasons (too long liao).
it's 98 eps leh! i watch korean dramas alr fast forward like mad leh.
watch 98 eps i gan cui watch the last season one can liao.
anw the gist is there la LOL.
then anyhow fri night the rest went to ECP macs to eat the 1 for 1 nuggets deal.
speaking of which, i've kinda deserted tiny towers to play this new game :D
everyone with an iPhone go download and add me as a friend so you can send me stuff XD
anw recently SG got hallyu wave uh~
MAMA 2011 in SG WOHOO! but i had IA paper that day -.-"
nevertheless, pics from YG Family Concert 2011 (Taeyang's Twitter) :D
i want to watch this naooooooooo :D
today i went to send my bro to pasir ris with dad after my tuition.
omg my bro put on 4kg in just 3 weeks in army leh T.T
all muscle!! LOL so anyway, went to white sands cos bro needed dinner.
soooooooooo manyyyyyyy of themmmmmmm! (ok u get my idea la hahahahh!)
but it was still great. had fun with my bro <3
he's going for field camp next week so 2 weeks later than bookout.
i'm gonna go do some measuring in my room.
wanna get a new shelf cos my notes have no space for storage.
1 semester in uni also not as much as 1 year in poly lor the notes -.-"
Sunday, November 20, 2011

that's my mood now. taking time off now to blog abit cos i'm quite panicky now.
need to calm my nerves somehow.
dad talked to me abt getting a job in polymeric companies today over dinner.
truthfully, i just want to get out now to work cos i hate sch a lot.
don't get me wrong, i love the people i hang out with in sch but i absolutely dislike all that cramming of nonsense in my head.
call me cynical but studying was fun back in those days.
nowadays it's just to get us that stupid paper called a degree.
yeah people always tell me school is always the best times of your life.
I AGREE. i just disagree that studying for exams and causing u so much stress is fun.
isn't our purpose on earth just to procreate?! ugh.
anw tmr is my first paper.
may the gods bless me with the will to last through until tmr.
the vicious cycle of memorizing will resume tmr after that paper for my 2nd paper on wed.
i did attempt to study abit for wed's paper but cannot rmb alr la.
i'm not a genius cos if i were, i wldn't be panicking now :)
and wed's paper has negative marking FML TTM.
&!#(*!(&#(*@&*)&#(!&#*(&(*!&*(&@*(!#&*&#!*( <---- string of curses
i swear tmr this time i'd be watching huan zhu ge ge or smth LOL and not mugging like i shld.
oh wells, i better head back to my books.
everyone, mugstrong :)
Sunday, November 13, 2011
You Are The Apple of My Eye

Finally went to watch this movie on Thursday after my bahasa Indonesia test.
In depression cos the test was a killer.
Came home and made bf go out with me to watch movie hehehe.
Wanted to watch this movie and go to Sephora to get new stuff.
Will post the Sephora things if I have nothing to do in the hold :)
Been totally dying ever since I heard from bf that this is a must watch movie!
And of cos dearest 敖犬 is one of the actors inside so must watch :)
Totally melted at the storyline. I strongly recommend everyone who hasn't watched this to really go watch!
And prepare tissue paper pls hahahaha!
I was telling Juyin today how I totally cried at the end of it.
But it's really a very heart warming movie.
So yeah I was thinking that I don't have a very fantastic or novel-worthy love story to share...
But I have an extremely long love story with my entire line of idols!
Thought I'd share it with whoever is reading this hahaha.
Paula's secret fangirl idols.
No.1 in my list... Kian of Westlife.
My 1st love leh omg <3
Started liking him in P5 and I'm really sad that Westlife is going to disband next year :(
Damn sad can. I can still remember all the lyrics to their old songs and they were the 1st band I ever saw live in concert.
I started liking them since their first album and I think I still listened to their songs for like several years after that but I don't really know the recent ones la.
My wish when I was in P5 was to go to Ireland because that was where they were born LOL.
Anw hopefully they'll come SG as part of their farewell tour next year!
WILL DEFINITELY GO :D (If I have the $$ LOL)

Ok so after Kian I moved on to liking Energy in secondary school.
Quite a huge transition crossing from English to Chinese Pop.
No.2 on my idol list is....Ah Di from Energy.
He was like the majority of my secondary school life.
Ah Di, Niu Nai, Kunda and Shuwei :)
I still remember all those queuing for autograph sessions, skipping CCA and school just to go queue early (crazy, I know hahah) and buying endless albums just so I could go up to sign that extra time lol.
I have like ALL their albums, even the latest one. I have like 4 copies of a certain album la. Wth right? LOL.
Sadly to say, they disbanded already but I'm still following him on Weibo.
At times, I remember the times his voice made me feel so much better back in those days.
Energy4ever! :) We used to sing their songs non-stop at KBox hahaha! Nowadays all I sing is K-pop songs >.<

At that time, Fahrenheit was also very famous hahahaha!
One of the bands I started liking since their debut.
I watched their first ever drama and totally fell in love with Calvin :)
Don't you think he's really cute? That smile :D
I just saw him last year when they came SG for their signing of their latest album.

So moving on after secondary school life, No.4 is 敖犬 from Lollipop.
Energy really laid low after Niu Nai left the band and 敖犬 was part of this upcoming band from the Channel V show.
At first I was like pfftt who is that.
But after watching a few episodes of Mo Fan Bang Bang Tang in Taiwan I was hooked.
Started liking Lollipop in poly. I think the most memorable memory I have of 敖犬 is watching their I Am Legend concert in Hong Kong!
Like totally coincidental that they were having a concert while Sin Hui and I were there on vacation so we decided to get tix to their concert.
First ever concert overseas for me :)
Nevertheless, now that there's only 4 of them in Lollipop F, he's still my ultimate favorite in Chinese Pop together with Calvin from Fahrenheit.

Ok so moving on when I went uni I was quite in between songs then.
It was mainly chinese pop songs for me ever since secondary school but somehow I managed to step into the K-Pop zone in Year 1. And the list grows longer hahaha! SO MANY LA.
My 3 loves from Super Junior: Donghae, Leeteuk and Eunhyuk. HAHAHAH.
I think by now everyone knows who is my favorite.
My DSLR is named after him already LOL.
My bias from SHINee: Onew!
After watching You're Beautiful, I became a fan of Jang Geun Suk :D
He's now one of my favorite K-drama actors together with Joong Ki oppa.
I think the part where he really smiles in the drama is what caught my attention.
My next bias for K-drama actor: Song Joong Ki.
I first saw him in Sungkyunkwan Scandal.
OMG THIS IS REALLY THE AGE OF FLOWER BOYS CAN. (For the record I don't like anyone from Boys Over Flowers)
So charismatic!
Ok, my final 2 idols are actually the ones I started liking in 2011 only.
But they've debuted since 2006 so they've been around for quite some time.
I love how charismatic TOP oppa can be irregardless of how he looks. SO SMEXY PLS XD
And GD was really a surprise cos I was smitten with Tabi at first.
But as time went by, looking through videos of GD&TOP during their promotional period, I think I fell under the charms of Kwon Jiyong too.
I'm like a closet GD stan but if you make me choose who I like better, TOP or GD, I truly cannot choose.
Both are equally precious to me :)
But,there's always a special one in my heart.
You will always be the apple of my eye :)
Wednesday, November 09, 2011
To be a man
My brother enlisted today. 2 weeks later, hopefully he comes out a man :)
Quite sad actually to see him go through such a thing called army.
But oh wells, hope he enjoys it inside.
Although we don't really talk much to each other, Jie Jie still loves and care for you alot :)
Be safe my dear brother!
Anyway am super full from eating Botak Jones just nw. Think my arteries are totally clogged nw wahahaha!
Shall go and study for my bahasa Indo test 2!
Haven't started, totally lepak after oral test ytd lol.
I had a ball of time watching 康熙來了. Funny max pls! After tmr it'll be full blast mugging!

Tuesday, November 08, 2011
Till you come back, everyday is yesterday
very addicted to this song!
truthfully i've never heard any of tablo/epik high's songs before tablo joined YGE.
then i listened to 'Bad' from his latest album then went like, hmmmm not bad.
after that part 2 of his album came out and i admit i only listened to this song cos taeyang was singing in it.
go listen to it~
anw today was my bahasa Indonesia oral test.
ytd had a mini panic attack as well as 1 hour before the actual thing.
can't believe 1 whole damn semester just fly by like this already.
1 more semester to go before graduation.
had many great memories from BI2 this semester despite the ibus treating me as invisible -.-"
our project presentation was fun! :D

yup despite not being in Ibu Lucy's group this semester (ya, me & hidaya have a secret liking for her la lol cannot meh) we got quite a good group too this semester :D
did a skit on Sumatra and all we could think of was the Orang Utan lolololol!
anyhow am very sad to see bahasa indonesia end so fast because out of all my modules, this is still my 1 true love: languages :)
chem modules suck ttm btw lol. <------- pls agree with me
maybe i'll go take level 3000 next sem.... *ponders*
the thought of going to Batam is very tempting haha!
better than having to memorise tons of bahasa Indonesia that normal people wouldn't understand la.
ok, am quite bored now.
just downloaded the Blogger app on iOS!
hopefully it'll make me blog even more.
i swear i cannot live without my iPhone EVER!
in the event of a fire i'd grab my iPhone and charger first followed by all my SME photocards (internal joke haha!).
after that then grab my wallet if there's time i suppose LMAO.
alright, bro is going to enlist tmr.
can't wait to see his botak head later during dinner :D
P/S: if you are reading this, do click on the nuffnang ad on the left ok :D i'm quite broke!
Monday, November 07, 2011

To all the haters in the world who called Daesung a murderer and GD a druggie, this is for you.
Because without all that hate, VIPS wouldn't vote like mad just to win it for them.
May this be the start of many more good things to come :)
P.S: Week 13 just started, tons of assignments and CAs this week.
Pray I survive till the end of exams! PEACE OUT.
Sunday, September 11, 2011
SHINee World Concert
just returned home from SWC 2011 :D wohooooooo~ totally loved the concert!
except for...
1. the crappy security system that refused to let us take pics/videos
2. the constant changing of costumes
3. stupid security walking around stopping people from taking videos and pics.
4. idiotic security... no wait mentioned already.
seriously,while i can understand why no pics/videos are allowed(management don't want to leak out too many things + copyright blah blah), if i don't have anything but memories from the concert, what do i use to reminisce that moment my idol faced me?!
anyhow, enough complaining about the concert.
concert organisation will not and never be perfect.
you can't please everybody. i guess if you're in the shoes of a concert goer like me, just accept whatever it is la.
if not, boycott the concert bah. it's a free world :)

sharing this pic above (cr to kunda's weibo) to signify how old i am.
omfg you're a father of 2 already! /looks at self and emo
just in case you cannot recognise them, they are members of energy (minus niu nai), 5566 (minus shaowei), BAD & 1 member from tension (jimmy!).
hahah the past week has been a terror.
my face is breaking out thanks to all that stress and lack of sleep.
the previous weekend my cousin had her tea ceremony at grandma's place.

Tea ceremony
another new addition to the family!
hope i get upgraded to 'Aunt' soon sia.
must tell my cousins to claim more baby bonuses from the govt ok!
all our parents taxes and what not lol.
some random pics from the week.

Man Utd fans -.-"
alvin wearing his man utd shirt on a day where man utd won the previous night.
they trashed arsenal 8-2.
seriously?! every damn man utd fan 'happened' to wear their jersey that day hahaha!
i kept suaning him about it la.
think i spotted a good 5-6 people in sch wearing the jersey.
oh wells /shrugs
lab last week was a killer!
lasted till 4pm thanks to lousy computer software NUS has -.-"
you'd think that with the amount of school fees we pay we'd get top-class equipment from a top-class university.
no, you get a software that cannot even scan the damn thing even though we tried it for 4 hours!
had to use another group's data in the end. wth la.
met my mum to eat my 1st meal of the day at tanpopo.
not very nice. seriously overrated >.<

Ramen from Tanpopo

Fairmont Hotel mooncakes!
bought mooncakes this year because i wanted to eat them.
i have a secret fetish for snow skin mooncakes xD
anyhow that weekend, despite having a 20% test on monday, it was amelia & kester's wedding.
church + wedding banquet took up the whole day and SS3 3D the next day didn't help with my studying plans.
as always, had to burn midnight oil.

Nails with gold shatter for Amelia's wedding


Cousins table
but i had fun with my cousins & friends that weekend so.. oh wells :)
all work and no play makes Paula a CAP 5.0 student.
but i'm not so hehehe :D
after the test went out to catch Crazy, Stupid, Love with Hidaya & Juyin!
impromptu sakae sushi lunch buffet at *scape!
service sucked really badly so pls dun go there.
chawanmushi took 1 hour to come -.-"

Smurfs playing football wahahaha!

Buffet for 3 :D



The messy eater (GUESS WHO!)

3 storey H&M building
LOL! movie was epic-ly GOOD! pls go watch :D
5 thumbs up for me~ (Y)(Y)(Y)(Y)(Y)
went to the new H&M opposite cine after the movie.
yes,after mocking the queue some 3 hours ago, we decided to join the queue LOL.
and uh, i came out $77.70 poorer but HAPPIER :D
hidaya & i wore our new tops from H&M on thursday.
ohohohohoh! we had to watch a movie for BI that day.
damn freaking nice~
pls go watch it pple! it's called 'Laskar Pelangi'.
hidaya cried from the start until the end (according to her).
i teared at the ending tho :'(
so much moral values.
makes me ponder about my future and of cos, my present.
anyhow, had VIVA on friday! OMFG!
i couldn't sleep la T.T too stressed.
was majorly afraid. like trembling!
even my lab partner said so hahah! he kept laughing at me la wth -.-"
anyhow, i hope i do ok for this module pls.
i need good scores pls pls pls!
haha been slacking since ytd cos i decided to give myself a break for the hectic week i've had.
ok la,every friday/saturday is self declared off day for me.
honestly, NUS students use weekends to catch up on undone hw.
there's no rest at all!!!! WHAT IS THIS!?!?
well, i have to be good to myself ok.
if i don't be good to my own self,who will then? :D
Paula's law of procrastination hahaha!
alrighty,going to sleep now.
leaving you with a pic from this memorable day!
SHINee World Concert
except for...
1. the crappy security system that refused to let us take pics/videos
2. the constant changing of costumes
3. stupid security walking around stopping people from taking videos and pics.
4. idiotic security... no wait mentioned already.
seriously,while i can understand why no pics/videos are allowed(management don't want to leak out too many things + copyright blah blah), if i don't have anything but memories from the concert, what do i use to reminisce that moment my idol faced me?!
anyhow, enough complaining about the concert.
concert organisation will not and never be perfect.
you can't please everybody. i guess if you're in the shoes of a concert goer like me, just accept whatever it is la.
if not, boycott the concert bah. it's a free world :)
sharing this pic above (cr to kunda's weibo) to signify how old i am.
omfg you're a father of 2 already! /looks at self and emo
just in case you cannot recognise them, they are members of energy (minus niu nai), 5566 (minus shaowei), BAD & 1 member from tension (jimmy!).
hahah the past week has been a terror.
my face is breaking out thanks to all that stress and lack of sleep.
the previous weekend my cousin had her tea ceremony at grandma's place.
another new addition to the family!
hope i get upgraded to 'Aunt' soon sia.
must tell my cousins to claim more baby bonuses from the govt ok!
all our parents taxes and what not lol.
some random pics from the week.
alvin wearing his man utd shirt on a day where man utd won the previous night.
they trashed arsenal 8-2.
seriously?! every damn man utd fan 'happened' to wear their jersey that day hahaha!
i kept suaning him about it la.
think i spotted a good 5-6 people in sch wearing the jersey.
oh wells /shrugs
lab last week was a killer!
lasted till 4pm thanks to lousy computer software NUS has -.-"
you'd think that with the amount of school fees we pay we'd get top-class equipment from a top-class university.
no, you get a software that cannot even scan the damn thing even though we tried it for 4 hours!
had to use another group's data in the end. wth la.
met my mum to eat my 1st meal of the day at tanpopo.
not very nice. seriously overrated >.<
bought mooncakes this year because i wanted to eat them.
i have a secret fetish for snow skin mooncakes xD
anyhow that weekend, despite having a 20% test on monday, it was amelia & kester's wedding.
church + wedding banquet took up the whole day and SS3 3D the next day didn't help with my studying plans.
as always, had to burn midnight oil.
but i had fun with my cousins & friends that weekend so.. oh wells :)
all work and no play makes Paula a CAP 5.0 student.
but i'm not so hehehe :D
after the test went out to catch Crazy, Stupid, Love with Hidaya & Juyin!
impromptu sakae sushi lunch buffet at *scape!
service sucked really badly so pls dun go there.
chawanmushi took 1 hour to come -.-"
LOL! movie was epic-ly GOOD! pls go watch :D
5 thumbs up for me~ (Y)(Y)(Y)(Y)(Y)
went to the new H&M opposite cine after the movie.
yes,after mocking the queue some 3 hours ago, we decided to join the queue LOL.
and uh, i came out $77.70 poorer but HAPPIER :D
hidaya & i wore our new tops from H&M on thursday.
ohohohohoh! we had to watch a movie for BI that day.
damn freaking nice~
pls go watch it pple! it's called 'Laskar Pelangi'.
hidaya cried from the start until the end (according to her).
i teared at the ending tho :'(
so much moral values.
makes me ponder about my future and of cos, my present.
anyhow, had VIVA on friday! OMFG!
i couldn't sleep la T.T too stressed.
was majorly afraid. like trembling!
even my lab partner said so hahah! he kept laughing at me la wth -.-"
anyhow, i hope i do ok for this module pls.
i need good scores pls pls pls!
haha been slacking since ytd cos i decided to give myself a break for the hectic week i've had.
ok la,every friday/saturday is self declared off day for me.
honestly, NUS students use weekends to catch up on undone hw.
there's no rest at all!!!! WHAT IS THIS!?!?
well, i have to be good to myself ok.
if i don't be good to my own self,who will then? :D
Paula's law of procrastination hahaha!
alrighty,going to sleep now.
leaving you with a pic from this memorable day!
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