i'm fine everyone! thanks for the concern <3
well,who isn't stressed out by uni?
i think poly students really find it very hard to fit into the education system.
honestly,poly should have covered more stuff but i'm not complaining.
i chose that path,so i should stick to my decisions.
even at the end of the day,jc students may understand the lecture more than me,i will just have to put in that extra bit of effort to study.
yet at the same time,i'd wish all the profs would cut us some slack.
more work piling up at each week.
people enjoy their weekends and yet i dread my weekends.
have to do tutorials that you have no inkling abt.
scratch your head like crazy but at the end of the day,i throw the towel in to give up.
it's that complex! i cannot find fault with the uni system because countless of people have undergone that route and emerged an honours student.
so why can't i do it?
we all struggle through 3 years of our lives in uni to get a degree.
but coming out into the society would it help?
isn't it just a stepping stone to tell the world that hey,i have the brains,hire me!
gahhhhh well,everyone has their own problems.
mine may be bigger or smaller but at the end of the day,i chose to go to uni instead of working/adv dip.
so i should just accept whatever comes because it's a whole package.
want the name and prestige attached to your degree? mug like hell.
forsake sleep,drown your body in large doses of coffee to keep yourself awake.
be prepared for people to backstab you any minute,anytime,anywhere.
i'm not saying that people ard me are like that.
but we just have to get prepared for it?
my uni life thus far has not been a bed of roses,but then again,it's only been week 6.
recess week is next week so time to mug mug mug!
gonna end tuition in 3 weeks as well!
HANG IN THERE PAULA! YOU CAN DO IT!i had a relatively nice weekend even though i ended up with relatively little sleep.
went to the comex show at suntec on friday after sch with hussein,ervin,javin and marce at ard 7-ish.
next day went to get javin's present at comex along with my netbook before going to bukit gombak for his party!
marce and me (:
kaiqi and me! <3
with tyra,javin's cute little cousin
with the birthday boy himself who lives everyday to suan me >.<
chii yeh and me! PULLING HIS EARS IS DAMN FUN!
javin during the cake cuttinganw caught up with friends from scamp at the party albeit one or two only lol.
trained home before collapsing from exhaustion.
early morning driving lesson and i went to marce's house.
AND I FELL ASLEEP HAHA! right after our brunch that i bought at bedok interchange.
damn pig can lol.
attempted my tutorial and decided to give up lol!
was at parkway trying to catch 36 to town to meet cassy.
sbs has some serious issues. i absolutely abhor public transport.
anw i had a great time shopping with cassy! (:
we should do it more often ok. i'm uber stressed :(
went home a happy girl altho poorer by close to $100 but nevertheless,happy :D
monday another cycle once more.
sigh! went to mug in sch today but only managed to study 1 freaking chapter of cm1131.
that's how much my 1 chapter is. stupid stupid stupid.
why am i so stupid!? rarhs.
oh wells,tmr mugging again.
tuition tuition go away,come again another day pls :(
ok,till later. bye.